Solutions for Audi A4 Transmission Slipping

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Transmission slipping is one of the most common faults in automatic transmissions. Firstly, although slipping often occurs alongside severe wear or burning of clutch or brake friction plates, simply replacing the worn friction plates without identifying the root cause of the slipping may lead to the repaired transmission slipping again in a short time.

Therefore, for a slipping automatic transmission, it is recommended not to rush into disassembly but to conduct a thorough inspection first. Secondly, checking the hydraulic fluid level and quality is crucial. If the fluid level is too low or too high, it should be adjusted to the normal level. If the transmission no longer slips after adjustment, no repairs are necessary.

Additionally, if the hydraulic fluid turns brown-black or has a burnt smell, it indicates that the clutch or brake friction plates may be burnt, requiring transmission repair. Finally, a road test should be conducted to confirm if the transmission is slipping, checking for the gear and the degree of slipping.

When the transmission shifts into a certain gear, if the engine speed suddenly increases while the vehicle speed does not correspondingly rise, this indicates that slipping is occurring in that gear, with more severe slipping resulting in a greater increase in engine speed.

Chief editor information:

Adrian is an Editor. Psychology graduate with over 4 years in the automotive industry, 3 in front of the camera. Occasionally seen at his family owned tyre shop. He will only buy cars that pass the big bottle test.
