Parking Standards for Persons with Disabilities in Saudi Arabia

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On the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the Saudi General Authority for Roads has specified the standards for parking spaces for persons with disabilities. The authority stated that this initiative aims to ensure the convenience of travel for individuals with disabilities and highlighted the specific requirements for parking spaces in the Saudi road code.

According to the Saudi road code, the requirements for parking spaces for persons with disabilities include: parking spots should be as close as possible to the entrances of buildings and elevators; sidewalks must be equipped with necessary ramps and good lighting; the use of signage and markings to distinguish parking spots; and ensuring a pathway on both sides of the parking space.

Parking Standards for Persons with Disabilities in Saudi Arabia

Additionally, persons with disabilities have many rights in Saudi Arabia, including attention to their right to easy mobility and transportation, as well as the provision of special parking spaces for disabled individuals. Their rights also encompass protection from harm, social welfare, the right to general and higher education, employment initiatives, access to housing support, and educational, rehabilitative, and financial aid.

Chief editor information:

Adrian is an Editor. Psychology graduate with over 4 years in the automotive industry, 3 in front of the camera. Occasionally seen at his family owned tyre shop. He will only buy cars that pass the big bottle test.
