Location of Brake Fuse for 2017 Volkswagen Touareg

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The brake light fuse for the 2017 Volkswagen Touareg is located inside the fuse box in the engine compartment.

The brake lights are typically installed at the rear of the vehicle, with a red lamp body that enhances the light source's penetration, ensuring that vehicles behind can clearly see the braking signals of the vehicle in front, even in low visibility conditions, effectively preventing rear-end collisions.

The fuses are generally concentrated in the fuse box, and most vehicles are equipped with two fuse boxes: one located inside the engine compartment that is responsible for the normal operation of external electrical devices; the other is located on the left side of the steering wheel or inside the glove compartment, handling the normal operation of internal electrical devices.

In the driver's instrument panel, near the left lower corner, you can find the fuse pull-out location close to the clutch pedal.

The specific position of the brake light fuse is usually indicated on the cover of the fuse box, and by consulting the fuse manual, you can find the corresponding numbers and symbols to accurately identify the function of the fuses.

Chief editor information:

Adrian is an Editor. Psychology graduate with over 4 years in the automotive industry, 3 in front of the camera. Occasionally seen at his family owned tyre shop. He will only buy cars that pass the big bottle test.
