Location and Checking Method of the CVT Dipstick for Dongfeng Nissan Teana

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The CVT dipstick of Dongfeng Nissan Teana is located on the vehicle's transmission and is mainly used to measure the height of the static oil level, determining whether the oil quantity is within a reasonable range.

Location and Checking Method of the CVT Dipstick for Dongfeng Nissan Teana

The method to check the transmission dipstick is as follows:

  1. Park the vehicle on a level surface and ensure that the handbrake is engaged.

  2. Start the engine and let it idle for more than one minute.

  3. Press down on the brake pedal and move the gear lever to reverse (P), forward (D), and low forward (S, L, or 2, 1), pausing for a few seconds in each gear to allow the hydraulic torque converter and all shifting actuators to fill with hydraulic oil. Finally, return the gear lever to the park position (P).

  4. Remove the automatic transmission dipstick from the fill tube, clean it, insert it back into the fill tube, then withdraw it to check the oil level on the dipstick.

  5. If the oil level mark is between the maximum and minimum marks, the oil quantity is just right; if below the minimum mark, transmission oil needs to be added; if above the maximum mark, it indicates excessive transmission oil, and some can be drained.

Location and Checking Method of the CVT Dipstick for Dongfeng Nissan Teana

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Senior Writer The quest for automotive knowledge began as soon as the earliest memories. Various sources information, even questionable ones, have been explored including video games, television, magazines, or even internet forums. Still stuck in that rabbit hole.
