Audi Q8 Transmission Oil Change Interval

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According to the manufacturer's guidelines, the replacement interval for automatic transmission oil is either 2 years or 50,000 kilometers.

If a vehicle has been used for 2 years but has only driven over 20,000 kilometers, or if it has covered 50,000 kilometers in less than a year, the transmission oil should be changed in both cases.

For new cars, it is generally recommended to change the oil after 50,000 kilometers. Subsequently, if driving conditions are good, the interval can be extended to 70,000 kilometers; if conditions are poor, a change at 40,000 or even 30,000 kilometers is advisable.

Audi Q8 Transmission Oil Change Interval

Using low-quality transmission oil can lead to poor temperature resistance, oxidation, sludge, and debris formation, which may block the filter, reduce oil pressure, impact shifting quality, and potentially damage internal components.

Therefore, following scientific maintenance methods will help keep the automatic transmission in good condition and extend its lifespan.

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Senior Writer The quest for automotive knowledge began as soon as the earliest memories. Various sources information, even questionable ones, have been explored including video games, television, magazines, or even internet forums. Still stuck in that rabbit hole.
