The front brake disc of the Toyota Prado 4.0L belongs to the category of brakes, wheels, and tires. The brake disc, made of alloy steel, is a metal circular disc fixed to the wheel and rotates with it. When the vehicle is in motion and the driver presses the brake, the brake caliper clamps the brake disc, allowing for deceleration or stopping. Generally, brake discs feature circular holes designed to reduce weight and increase friction. There are various types of brake discs, typically characterized by their thin walls, with the disc plate and center often formed by sand cores. Different types of brake discs exhibit differences in diameter, thickness, and spacing between the two plates, while the thickness and height of the hub can also vary. Most SUV models do not excel in braking performance, especially rugged off-road vehicles like the Prado, where the inherent structural design influences braking performance, including factors such as the vehicle's weight and suspension height. Our final test revealed a braking distance of 43.7 meters for the Prado 4.0L, which falls within the expected range and is deemed acceptable.

Senior Writer The quest for automotive knowledge began as soon as the earliest memories. Various sources information, even questionable ones, have been explored including video games, television, magazines, or even internet forums. Still stuck in that rabbit hole.