Where can the OBD port be found in the Nissan Navara?

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Where is the OBD interface of Dongfeng Nissan Pickup?

The OBD interface of the Dongfeng Nissan Pickup is generally located below the right side of the dashboard, to the left of the seat belt pull handle, where you can see the interface marked OBDII.

What is the function of the OBD interface of Dongfeng Nissan Pickup?

The OBD interface of the Dongfeng Nissan Pickup can be used to detect vehicle fault codes and diagnose the vehicle's operating status.

Additionally, it can be used for vehicle programming and upgrades.

Where can the OBD port be found in the Nissan Navara?
Nissan Navara

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Senior Writer The quest for automotive knowledge began as soon as the earliest memories. Various sources information, even questionable ones, have been explored including video games, television, magazines, or even internet forums. Still stuck in that rabbit hole.
