Car Service
Foton Tunland
Foton Tunland Reviews and Q&A in UAE
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ياسر حسن
Jun 4 update
Foton Tunland
Does anyone know how to remove the rear door panel of the Explorer E5? How many screws are there? I can't seem to get it off and I'm afraid to pull too hard 😂
عبدالرحمن حرب
Oct 23 update
Foton Tunland
Is it normal for the intercooler piping in my TuoLuZhe E5 to have oil drips?
عبدالله إدريسي
Aug 16 update
Foton Tunland
How to buy insurance if the car is not under my name?
حموي سلمان
Aug 14 update
Foton Tunland
Foton Cummins engine, 2.8T engine having diesel entering inside, causing the oil dipstick to rise by two to three centimeters every few hundred kilometers. The high-pressure fuel pump has been replaced, and the injectors have been calibrated without any issues.
عبدالرحمن إسماعيل
Jul 20 update
Foton Tunland
Where is the twist long rod for hanging the spare tire on the 2018 model?
حسين كلثوم
May 27 update
Foton Tunland
Where is the jack located in this car?
فهد عبد الرحمن
Apr 12 update
Foton Tunland
Is the 2018 Tuo Lu Zhe E3 2.8T with a red engine head and 43,000 kilometers on it worth 50,000 yuan?
أحمد ثمين
Apr 6 update
Foton Tunland
What does it mean when the ABS warning light stays on?
سلمان علي
Mar 9 update
Foton Tunland
Why is the clutch on my Foton Tunland E5 so heavy? Fellow car enthusiasts, does your car have the same issue?
محمد غازي
Jan 28 update
Foton Tunland
What is the factory reset password for the navigation system of Foton Tunland E7 pickup truck? Thanks, everyone.
عبدالله فخريل دين
Jan 12 update
Foton Tunland
How do you fold down the rear seats of the Foton Tunland E3?
محمد هاشم
Dec 19 update
Foton Tunland
Where is the USB port located?
حسين لهب
Dec 12 update
Foton Tunland
The clutch of my 2018 Foton Tunland E5 was recently replaced, but there's always a burning smell while driving. Additionally, there's a strange noise when I'm not pressing the clutch, which disappears when I do press it. What could be the cause of this?
أحمد كم
Dec 8 update
Foton Tunland
Can the rear seats of the Foton Tunland pickup truck be folded down?
محمد هادي
Dec 6 update
Foton Tunland
Where is the engine number located?
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