Car Service
Suzuki Jimny
Suzuki Jimny Reviews and Q&A in UAE
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سعود طموح
Sep 4 update
Suzuki Jimny
Is it better to choose an automatic transmission or a manual transmission for this car?
أحمد زاهر
Aug 12 update
Suzuki Jimny
Can I get a Jimny or Lada type of car for 30k? Friends, please help!
عبدالرحمن صدام
Jul 13 update
Suzuki Jimny
Is there anyone around who deals with used Jimnys? Who should I contact?
عبدالرحمن سعد
Jul 2 update
Suzuki Jimny
I'm looking to buy the new high-end Mexican version of the Jimny. Can anyone recommend a reliable dealer?
علي كريم
Jul 2 update
Suzuki Jimny
Does the new Jimny have a particulate filter? Thanks!
فهد فواز
Jun 25 update
Suzuki Jimny
I have a 2012 model Jimny, registered in September 2013, currently at 46,000 kilometers. At the end of May, the engine warning light came on once. I used a diagnostic tool to reset it, but it didn't specify the reason. I had maintenance done on June 2nd, and the engine warning light appeared again the day before yesterday, but it disappeared yesterday afternoon when I went out. Does anyone know what might be going on?
خالد اسماعيل
Jun 4 update
Suzuki Jimny
What's the fuel consumption of the 1.8-liter engine in the lift-up model? How does it affect the engine? Is it stable?
حسين ثاني
May 12 update
Suzuki Jimny
I bought a 2022 Suzuki Jimny and I'm having trouble using the infotainment system. Is it possible to replace the infotainment screen?
عبد العزيز عفان
May 10 update
Suzuki Jimny
Anyone knows where to buy the new Jimny?
نايف إلياس
Mar 31 update
Suzuki Jimny
If you're thinking about modifying your Jimny with a differential lock, should you choose an electric lock or an air lock? I've heard that the CJ brand's electric lock is forged. Is it worth purchasing?
عمر جلال الدين
Mar 4 update
Suzuki Jimny
Is it good to install a differential lock on a Jimny?
محمد غازي
Feb 22 update
Suzuki Jimny
Hey guys, how do you use the Jimny's differential lock, and where is switch 9 located?
محمد غازي
Feb 19 update
Suzuki Jimny
Hey expert, could you please tell me how to use the Jimny's differential lock and where the switch is located?
عمر جلال الدين
Feb 17 update
Suzuki Jimny
What does it feel like to drive a Jimny?
خالد حريري
Feb 9 update
Suzuki Jimny
Can anyone explain the difference between the 2012 and 2015 models? I'm considering getting a small Geely, and a 2014 model could save some budget.
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