عمر راضي
2023-08-16 17:06

Hey car enthusiasts, have you ever experienced a jerky start, where you accelerate but the car doesn't move immediately, and then suddenly jumps forward after a few seconds?

Comments( 6 )

أحمد فواز
أحمد فواز2024-12-05 21:00
I had this issue at first too, but replacing the transmission carbon valve solved it. 🌹🌹🌹
محمد منصور
محمد منصور2024-11-16 23:02
2020 X95 model, experiencing significant jerking at 20-30 RPM. The car is lurching, how can this be resolved? The local 4S shop suggests changing the transmission oil and cleaning the throttle, but I feel like they're just brushing me off. Also, there's some play in the steering, and once the speed reaches 70, it feels like it's swaying left and right, requiring constant steering corrections. What could be the cause?
حسين بشار
حسين بشار2023-12-02 23:39
The same situation.
أحمد عبد القادر
أحمد عبد القادر2023-11-04 05:40
There's no such problem.
عبدالله أمين
عبدالله أمين2023-09-17 13:03
Just make do with it. Especially when the engine is cold, the RPM goes up suddenly, it feels like it could take off.
حسين عبد المجيد
حسين عبد المجيد2023-08-17 09:19
This car has a common issue! It's mainly a problem with the transmission! Over time, you'll get used to it.