حسن وهاب
2024-07-25 11:20
My screenshot 90AC key is not working. What's going on?
Comments( 3 )
محمد خالد2024-09-20 19:41
Isn't it broken then? You should go to after-sales service to get it fixed. Sometimes it's just a broken spring.
عبد العزيز خليف2024-09-19 10:41
It's possible that something is stuck under the button, preventing it from being pressed properly. It could also be an issue with the button itself or a blown fuse. Just get it checked at the service center.
سعود مستنصر2024-08-22 17:18
If the AC button doesn't work, it might be broken. The dealership suggests replacing the entire assembly. 😬😬😬