سلمان كلثوم
2024-08-23 00:19
In the 2019 JETOUR X90 Enjoy Edition 6-seater with a 6DCT dry dual-clutch transmission, currently at 120,000 kilometers, an issue has been occurring since around 90,000 kilometers. When starting the car cold, everything is normal during acceleration. However, after driving for about half an hour and the engine warms up, when stopping or waiting at a traffic light and then trying to accelerate again, the car doesn't respond to the throttle. If you press the throttle harder, the engine stalls. When you feel the engine shake while pressing the throttle, if you release the pedal immediately and then press it again, the car can start moving, and everything works normally after that. There are no fault codes detected by the computer, and the spark plugs have been replaced. The engine checks out normal at the 4S shop. I'm seeking advice from experts on how to resolve this issue or if any fellow JETOUR X90 owners have experienced a similar problem and how they got it fixed. Thank you very much for your help!
Comments( 5 )
سلمان زبيدي2024-11-24 23:07
Did you find your problem?
سلمان زبيدي2024-11-24 23:06
I have a five-seater, and now it struggles to accelerate at the start. It feels powerless, and after two or three seconds, it reacts a bit but then jerks. I can't start on a slope, but once the speed picks up, it runs normally. I really regret buying this car with a dry dual-clutch transmission. I can't find the problem at all. I even went to the repair shop and changed the fuel pump, but it didn't help.
عبد العزيز خليف2024-09-18 14:01
I've never encountered this before, but doesn't the description sound like the fuel is mixed with water? [I want to be alone]
عبدالله ابيض2024-09-13 15:48
If the 4S shop doesn't work, how about considering a refurbished one?
علي حرب2024-08-24 01:00
[I just want to be quiet] There's nothing wrong, why repair it?