عمر نادر
2024-03-19 16:54

I'm considering changing my car and the exterior of the Jetour X90 looks good. Can any users share their experience with it? Is it worth buying?

Comments( 4 )

عمر طموح
عمر طموح2024-03-26 00:18
1.6T automatic, pretty good, feel free to go for it.
عبدالرحمن شرف
عبدالرحمن شرف2024-03-20 07:20
I suggest choosing the 2.0T. You'll know it's good once you drive it.
أحمد أيوبي
أحمد أيوبي2024-03-19 23:47
Not highly recommended. I've only had it for two months and I kind of regret it. [I need some time alone]
3 replies
محمد وي
محمد وي2024-03-19 19:55
I can't give too much advice. I have the 1.5 manual, and it's working fine.