عبد العزيز يعقوبي
2023-09-28 01:54

优点: 1. 空间宽敞:捷途X90 2019款的内部空间很大,适合家庭使用。 2. 配置丰富:自动智享型配备了许多便利和安全功能。 3. 性价比高:在同级别车型中,该车价格较为合理。 缺点: 1. 动力一般:1.5T发动机的马力可能对一些用户来说略显不足。 2. 燃油经济性:相比一些同级别车型,油耗表现可能不够优秀。 3. 品牌知名度:捷途在某些市场的品牌影响力可能不如其他主流品牌。

Comments( 5 )

سعود مستنصر
سعود مستنصر2024-08-22 17:04
Take a look at the comments section, it's mostly about the shortcomings. There are very few advantages mentioned. 😶😶😶😶
نايف جبريل
نايف جبريل2024-08-03 00:47
Go straight to the 2024 model!
عبدالله قيس
عبدالله قيس2023-10-01 00:08
I just got this used car with 50,000 km on it. It consumes about 7 liters per 100 km. However, there's a noticeable jerkiness at low speeds. There's also a delay when shifting from drive to reverse. Haven't noticed any other issues... I'll drive it a bit more to see how it goes.
عبدالرحمن شرف
عبدالرحمن شرف2023-09-28 12:33
When you buy, go for the 2.0T instead of the 1.5T for better fuel economy. Only those who've driven it will understand.
علي شرف
علي شرف2023-09-28 08:44
Can't run, fuel-consuming, major drawback.