ضربة بكوع إير محمد
2024-11-21 20:19
I'm using a 2021 Geely Pro. I'm considering getting a streaming rearview mirror. Do you have any recommendations, or is there an official one available?
Comments( 7 )
حسن مجيد2024-12-05 07:49
Not all physical stores have it.
مجيد نايف2024-12-04 11:44
All good.
أحمد خديجة2024-11-30 07:43
Search online.
عبدالله ابيض2024-11-27 08:32
I have a streaming issue. You can consult the 4S dealership.

ضربة بكوع إير محمد2024-11-26 20:27
It's a bit of a waste of money. The grainy texture is quite noticeable. I spent 500, and the effect feels pretty average.
عبدالله عبد القادر2024-11-24 08:01
A few hundred bucks for streaming
خالد قنصوح2024-11-23 08:15
DDPAI is fine, or ones around 400.