سعود كلثوم
2024-11-26 21:09
24X70plusMAX+贷5个36期不算利息12.5W可以提吗? Can you get it with a loan of 125,000 without interest for 36 months?
Comments( 9 )
سلمان نعيم2024-12-05 20:16
Our prices are different. Mine is 11.7 with a loan and 0% interest for two years.
عبدالرحمن قادر2024-12-04 13:47
Not trading in, right?
مجيد نايف2024-12-04 08:06
What's the interest rate?
سلمان دل2024-12-02 16:26
Did it increase? This price is too high.
2 replies
علي بوتفليقة2024-12-01 16:00
How much is the interest?
1 replies
خالد طه2024-11-30 11:21
It's okay.

جعفر سعود2024-11-28 23:10
It's alright.
علي وهاب2024-11-28 15:50
نايف رامي2024-11-27 12:57
Interest-free is okay, but with interest, it's definitely expensive.