Does the 2.0L Intelligent Premium version have one-touch window closing and mirror folding when locking the car?
Comments( 3 )
نور الله نايف2024-10-01 21:45
No, I installed it myself. It's very simple and costs just a bit over a hundred bucks.
حسن فاطمة2024-09-21 07:26
I got my Comfort Edition in September, and if I press the lock button on the key twice, the windows close automatically. Does this count as one-touch window closing? There's a button on the driver's side door for folding the mirrors; just pressing it folds them.
سعود عبد لطيف2024-05-25 07:47
No, but you can go to the 4S shop for an upgrade. It seems to cost around 100 bucks.