Dear experts, is there any difference between the three-cylinder engine of the X-Trail e-Power and the conventional fuel version? Will there be a chance of engine failure after a certain mileage like the fuel version? I'm concerned since the hybrid engine doesn't have a lifetime warranty. 😟
Comments( 5 )
عمر فخريل دين2024-11-20 16:29
The same engine, but the E variant has reduced power. There are complaints in North America about major failures with this engine, like crankshaft fractures and metal pieces in the cylinder block. So, they reduced the power to lower the risk of these issues. And don't assume that being on Ward's 10 Best Engines list means it's trouble-free. This award is for innovation, not durability or fuel economy.
سلمان عاطف2024-11-17 14:54
I know this one. The first batch of three-cylinder engines had some issues, but the later three-cylinder ones are fine. Plus, the hybrid's three-cylinder engine operates at fixed conditions, making it more stable.
عبدالله أسماء2024-11-17 10:13
It seems like you can purchase an extended warranty for the engine. This three-cylinder engine is sold a lot in the Japanese and American markets. Don't worry. [666][666]
محمد عبدله2024-11-16 18:26
The power has decreased; it's not the same thing anymore. As of now, it hasn't been changed.
حسن شادي2024-11-16 16:15
What concerns do you have about the Ward's 10 Best Engines?