Is the V60 just a variant of the S60? Is the rear space the same as the S60?
Comments( 6 )
محمد زبيدي2024-05-09 09:38
The headroom in the rear of the V60 is larger than that of the S60. I feel much more cramped sitting in the back of the S60 compared to the V60.
سعد عبد العزيز2024-05-06 17:49
The V60, being fully imported, has better craftsmanship and materials compared to the domestically produced S60. In terms of appearance, I feel the V60 looks better. I bought the 2021 T5 Inscription V60, and after 40,000 kilometers, aside from regular maintenance, it's been very hassle-free.
خالد وليد2024-04-18 17:41
In areas that aren't visible, the V60 pays more attention to detail compared to the domestic S60, and the sensor data will also differ.
أحمد إدريسي2024-04-18 13:05
There's not much difference! If you want a spacious car, don't go for this class of station wagons! For a roomy station wagon, start with the V90 or A6 in this class.
عبدالرحمن ليث2024-04-18 09:34
The wheelbase is different, right? The V60 is imported and hasn't been domestically produced yet.
1 replies
فهد إسحاق2024-04-17 21:58
There's no major redesign, just an increase in trunk space, with no changes in other areas.