Considering getting a V60. Which one is more hassle-free, the older T5 or the newer B5? T5 has oil consumption issues and B5 has battery drainage problems. How should I choose?
Comments( 11 )
عبدالرحمن له2024-06-15 17:32
I recently switched to a four-cylinder engine for my 14, and it hasn't burned any oil since. [I want some peace]
محمد خد2024-06-13 10:57
My '16 T5 hasn't consumed any oil. 110,000 km and nothing has needed fixing. Oil consumption depends on how well you maintain it.
مساعد عبد العزيز2024-03-22 23:39
زيد عبد العزيز2024-03-11 16:15
T5 is more worry-free [thumbs up]
خالد ابيض2024-03-09 22:02
For convenience, you might as well go for the CC Shooting Brake.
2 replies
سعود نبراس2024-03-06 11:32
Never had any battery drain issues with the 2023 B5. Seems like the imported ones don't have this problem.
أحمد إدريسي2024-03-05 18:33
The older models have been available for many years. If you're willing to deal with potential issues, go for the older version. Anyway, the B5 is still performing well for now.
3 replies
نايف ربيع2024-03-03 23:18
Why hesitate when buying a car? Go for new, not used!
1 replies
سعود عابدين2024-03-03 21:28
Specifically, as long as it's properly maintained, the T5 models from 2016 onwards won't consume oil excessively.
عبدالله أيوبي2024-02-28 09:05
The new T5 doesn't consume engine oil. For the B5, check the year for battery issues. If you want peace of mind, choose the 2020 T5 model.