I'm really confused about choosing between the third-generation 75P and the second-generation UNIT.
Comments( 15 )
ظافر عمر2024-11-23 16:14
The 75 is the favored child, while the T is the neglected one. You can think about it.
عبدالله خد2024-11-19 17:26
Definitely going for the 4th Gen 75 [Smart]!
خالد هادي2024-11-19 06:29
I traded in my two-year-old T for a Magotan. Do what you want [I need some time alone] [I need some time alone] [I need some time alone]. It has to be a joint venture car.
2 replies
زكريا أحمد2024-11-18 10:29
The second-generation T car system is no longer lagging.
زكريا أحمد2024-11-18 10:29
Buy the fourth generation of the 75.
عبد العزيز هشام2024-11-18 08:00
I was sure about the 75, but before I went for the unit because of its looks, and I really regret it.
أحمد قادر2024-11-17 10:09
Maybe you shouldn't buy it.
1 replies
خالد معاوية2024-11-16 17:29
It's already been abandoned. [I want to be quiet] I initially wanted to buy it, but now even the dealers don't recommend it anymore. [I want to be quiet]
1 replies
سلمان زبيدي2024-11-16 13:29
Not recommended, T... terrible infotainment system.