I've gone through two batteries in three years, and I'm about to get the third one. [I need some peace]
1 replies
عبدالرحمن صالح2024-11-04 08:29
Look at me, look at me. I talked about battery drain in my first year, paving the way with my experience, but no one noticed or acknowledged it. As for battery drain, I think it's normal if you follow my actions: 1) Drive less than ten minutes or within ten kilometers. 2) Turn off the engine shortly after starting. 3) Sit inside the car with the power on but without starting the vehicle after unlocking. To avoid these situations, you must understand battery charging and discharging. If the car is parked for a long time, it's best to disconnect the negative terminal of the battery. Also, minimize the electrical devices in the car, and if you must use them, make sure to start the vehicle!
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حسن صعب2024-11-04 01:19
Occasionally it happens, so I got a supercapacitor emergency power supply 😊. No more worries!
حسن بشر2024-01-05 18:40
I've never had a loss in over two years, even when it's been parked for a month. Just be careful not to use the car's system for too long while the engine is off.
محمد نعيم2024-01-05 17:20
My battery, which was over a year old, broke down. I replaced it with a new one for 840 and got a 140 discount for the old battery.
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أحمد نبيل2024-01-05 15:27
I don't have it.
سعود هادي2024-01-05 15:22
The frequent warning of low battery indicates it's time to replace the battery.