I'm really interested in buying the UNIK, but I'm worried about the fuel consumption costs. Any current owners who can share their real fuel consumption experiences?
Comments( 11 )
شفيع حسين2024-10-27 11:49
It's still cheaper than 95, right? [I want some peace] [I want some peace]
عمر بارزاني2024-10-09 22:33
My dashboard shows 8.4. Considering all types of roads and the size of the car, having a fuel consumption around 10 is normal.
رمضان حسين2024-10-09 14:27
Black is the coolest! [Thumbs up]
سلمان دليل2024-10-08 19:29
One kilometer costs about 0.7 to 0.8 RMB in pure city driving, and nearly 1 RMB with too many traffic lights. If you're concerned about fuel economy, consider getting an electric car.
نايف خليف2024-07-23 18:57
People often say the fuel consumption of the big K is high. I went around various forums for 2.0T SUVs, and none had fuel consumption below 10 liters. Especially the Jetour Traveler, where one user spent 1250 yuan for just 500 kilometers [I need a moment].
4 replies
عبدالله طيب2024-07-22 10:54
In the city, it consumes about 13 to 14 liters per 100 kilometers, while on the highway, it's around 8 to 9 liters per 100 kilometers.
عبدالرحمن أنس2024-07-19 12:04
I usually get around 9 with my 4WD, and sometimes as low as 8.5. With the AC on, it goes up to 10.2. I really can't manage to get it down to six or seven, let alone five like some people do.
2 replies
عمر طلحة2024-07-18 08:10
No matter which domestic brand with a 2.0T engine you choose, it costs about 1 RMB per kilometer. Whether it's Chery, GWM, Geely, or Roewe, they're all similar. Even Geely's compact 2.0 model costs 1 RMB per kilometer. [I need some peace][I need some peace]
4 replies
أحمد عبد المجيد2024-07-17 14:00
The car jerks noticeably at low speeds, especially between 30 to 40 km/h. It's really annoying to drive in the city.