How's this car? I'm hesitant to buy it because the sales are too low.
Comments( 17 )
حسن هكيل2024-10-27 00:36
Fuel consumption in the city is 13 liters, and on the highway, it's 8 liters.
عبدالله موسى2024-10-26 19:50
If you're looking at sales, maybe consider the 75p. At least there's not much difference in space. [I want to be alone]
عمر بارزاني2024-10-26 12:37
Even a car brand like Li Auto, which you think is not great, has high sales. What are you worried about?
عبد العزيز صلاح الدين2024-10-25 09:05
I think everyone should stop complaining about Changan cars. I posted something yesterday, and this morning the dealership gave me a call. [Smile]
فهد أمير2024-10-25 07:00
Buy different cars, drive the roads you love.
علي نور الدين2024-10-25 05:59
Go for the best-selling one.
خالد جم2024-10-21 18:23
I've driven 20,000 kilometers without any issues. The dashboard shows an average fuel consumption of 8.3 liters per 100 kilometers.
عمر بدر2024-10-21 17:50
Don't buy it at all, "I want to be alone" is becoming way too common.
نايف لبيب2024-10-20 22:09
No worries, it also has an extended warranty of over 6,000. Just buy it, and you don't have to worry about the rest. If anything happens, just contact after-sales service.
عبدالرحمن جل2024-10-20 19:58
If you're scared, don't buy it to avoid regret later.