خالد عبد عزيز
2024-11-30 19:00
Hey folks, have you guys ever had to replace your car battery? Mine just hit the three-year mark and it's already dead 😂😂😂😂😂
Comments( 7 )
فهد فارس2024-12-03 13:58
With auto start-stop systems, they last about the same duration, while those without can last six to seven years.
8 replies

ياسر سلمان2024-12-03 07:56
I'm the same... It broke just two months after the warranty expired.
1 replies
عبد العزيز أبو بكر2024-12-02 23:42
It's been almost three years, and last week I just replaced [I Want to Be Quiet], but suddenly it's out of power.
1 replies
حسين كاظم2024-12-02 22:30
Cars that are driven regularly tend to be more durable than those that sit idle for long periods. I bought my first car at the same time as a friend. I drove mine less, and it broke down after two and a half years. My friend drove his frequently, and it lasted almost five years before it broke down.
عمر بدر2024-12-01 00:30
It's been three and a half years, and it seems fine to use for another two years.
1 replies
علي دليل2024-11-30 22:51
Same here, I also changed mine after exactly 3 years.
1 replies
أحمد زايد2024-11-30 20:38
Three years is about right, it's considered a consumable.
3 replies