When driving over uneven roads, there's a rattling noise coming from the left A-pillar of my Tucson L. How can I fix it? I bought the car at the end of July, didn't notice it when I picked it up, but after driving for a while over bumpy roads, I discovered the rattling noise from the left A-pillar. When I press on the left A-pillar trim, it feels loose.
Comments( 3 )
أحمد عمرو2024-11-29 23:28
Find the source of the noise or go directly to the dealership for assistance.
خالد عبد له2024-11-29 22:52
First, identify exactly where the noise is coming from. Check if it's possibly items in the glove box or a red string tied to the rearview mirror that's being blown and hitting something. Eliminate these possibilities one by one.