Is the pricing for the new Tucson still trying to take advantage of consumers? Seriously, if they sell more than 2000 units in a month, I'll eat my hat!
Comments( 11 )
علي نور2024-11-27 12:40
[I'm Quiet] When there's a discount of 50,000+, it's possible to exceed 2,000.
علي موجا بطاقة تعريف2024-11-27 12:18
Korean cars never really aimed to sell well in the domestic market due to various factors, so the pricing doesn't really matter.
3 replies
حسن عاطف2024-11-27 12:14
The price still needs to be lowered.
سلمان تميمي2024-11-27 11:20
Reduced by 20,000.
سلمان هاماوي2024-11-27 10:51
You are overconfident. If there are a thousand, I'll admit defeat.
عمر راضي2024-11-27 10:12
Cut the price in half again. [Grinning]
حسين صابر2024-11-26 22:56
Even 200 is difficult.
سلمان حارث2024-11-26 22:55
Currently, Hunan is resisting stocking up. Isn't it a bit optimistic to talk about the sales of the new model? [Grin]