Is it normal for brakes to feel softer after driving a new car for a while?
Comments( 2 )
نايف عبدله2024-11-25 21:12
The brakes on this car are inherently soft, so you need to anticipate in advance.
1 replies
أحمد عمرو2024-11-23 17:57
Do you feel any changes in the braking performance? If there's no noticeable change compared to before, you can ignore it. But if there is, you should quickly go to the 4S shop for an inspection! When a new car feels like the brakes are getting softer after a while, it's usually because all parts of the braking system are new and haven't yet reached optimal coordination through use. For example, the contact surface between the brake pads and the brake discs becomes more fitted over time with natural wear, and the gaps may become slightly larger than when the car was first driven.