For those experienced with the Tucson L, what's the fuel consumption like in the city? I'm about to buy one.
Comments( 6 )
سلمان حارث2024-11-08 13:38
Can you get the truth here?
محمد عباد2024-11-07 12:55
Everyone, don't buy from Beijing Hyundai. Many dealerships have closed down, and there's no after-sales support at all. There's no after-sales service or damage assessment. The promised free lifetime basic maintenance is just a trick. I called the official hotline, and they told me to go to a place over 300 kilometers away. There was no notification when the store closed, and the lifetime maintenance they promised is useless now. It's just deceiving customers. If you get maintenance done elsewhere, you'll lose the warranty, and the manufacturer won't acknowledge it. The lifetime free maintenance is gone too. Check my profile for more details.
علي ثاني2024-11-07 00:39
For daily commuting, if you split your time equally between urban and suburban areas, it consumes about 7 liters per 100 km when there's no traffic. During traffic jams, it ranges between 9 to 12 liters per 100 km. On highways and national roads, it can go down to 6 liters per 100 km.
حسين عبيد2024-11-06 10:31
Fuel consumption is related to road conditions, weather, driving habits, distance, etc. Overall, the fuel consumption of the Tucson is acceptable.
أحمد عمرو2024-11-04 04:36
About 10 in the city (mainly depends on road conditions), around 6 on the highway! I suggest you go for a test drive to experience it yourself!