I bought a 2009 Yaris RS 1.6 automatic for 30,000 RMB with 110,000 km on it. The exterior and interior are in good condition. Is it expensive?
Comments( 4 )
عبد العزيز تاج الدين2023-11-22 23:26
My car is also going to sell for around 30,000.
خليف علي2023-11-10 05:33
If the car is in good condition, the general market price is around 24,000 to 25,000.
نايف مجيد2023-06-22 22:59
I'm planning to buy a 2009 automatic Yaris RS in Tianjin with 70,000 kilometers on the odometer. The car is in its original condition and I've negotiated the price down to 21,000 yuan. I'm planning to finalize the purchase in the next couple of days.