محمد عين
2023-08-07 14:00
Does the 2024 model of Vellfire require an additional premium?
Comments( 8 )
أحمد معاوية2024-01-26 09:53
No more mortgage.

جابر خالد2023-12-29 10:37
Not added now.
3 replies
محمد نصر2023-12-02 21:22
I just got the 18-inch wheels last week.
عبدالله هاماوي2023-11-21 10:23
It depends on the region, it could be +12 to +18.
عبدالرحمن عبد الوهاب2023-10-29 18:22
On September 13, it increased by +16.3.
نايف عمار2023-09-25 23:01
Now it's 12-15.
حسين حمزة2023-09-22 00:15
Just bought it, +17
عمر ميمون2023-08-08 09:22
Currently requires a markup.