عبدالله أبو بكر
2022-05-10 18:16
Can the Vellfire use 92 octane gasoline?
Comments( 16 )
نايف نوح2023-09-18 20:38
It's the same 2.5 as the Highlander, right? Add premium 95.
حسن طائي2023-09-13 19:11
It's over a million, yet it's still a four-cylinder engine, damn it, enough for the Japanese to copy so badly.
سعود عثمان2023-09-12 07:32
It's fine to add 92, no issues.
عبدالله كاظم2023-09-12 05:55
Always use 92 octane, don't worry too much about it.
سلمان عبد المجيد2023-08-23 21:16
The fuel cap says to use 92 octane or higher gasoline. 😁
سعود اميره2023-07-31 08:28
The fuel tank cap says 92.
نايف عباد2023-07-31 00:38
92 is enough.
خالد خدي2023-03-26 22:06
Wuling's journey to reach the level of Alphard has not been easy. Even a Crown must acknowledge that without experiencing the ups and downs of Wuling, it wouldn't be where it is today.
عمر ياسين2022-08-28 04:59
No worries! 😊
عبد العزيز أسد2022-05-16 21:15
It's best to increase the use of 95-octane fuel.