I'm looking to buy a Japanese Toyota Hilux pickup truck. Does anyone know where I can find a diesel version?
Comments( 7 )
عبدالله باهر2023-10-25 09:10
In Tianjin, there are parallel imports available, but they aren't cheap. They can cost around four to five hundred thousand.
حسين نصر2023-06-06 13:29
3.5 V6.
حسين نصر2023-06-06 13:29
Around 300,000 in the US.
عبدالله سيف2020-12-28 17:42
Sure, you can consider the Malaysian version.
عمر عوض2020-11-01 04:13
Taiwan and made in Thailand.
مرشد حسين2020-06-02 23:34
Australia has things that are not available in China. 😁
سعود خلوق2020-02-10 15:03
This model still needs to be purchased through parallel import, so if you're planning to buy it, you can check it out at Tianjin Port. You won't be able to find it at local 4S shops.