حسن عمر
2024-11-07 21:12
Is this car stable at high speeds?
Comments( 7 )
عبدالرحمن أيوبي2024-11-13 09:07
Looks like you've been influenced quite a bit by TikTok and similar platforms.
عبدالله مدرسي2024-11-11 02:09
With multi-link suspension both front and rear, it's hard for you to feel unstable.
نايف زاهر2024-11-10 17:42
I just compared the new Crown and the 530. Their curb weights are 2 tons and 1.86 tons respectively. Obviously, the new Crown will be more stable.
1 replies
جابر عبد العزيز2024-11-10 10:28
Cars in the range of 120,000 to 130,000 CNY are stable at high speeds. This car can handle it easily.
سلمان كلثوم2024-11-10 10:13
Large sedans, don't ask such naive questions. As long as you dare to step on the gas pedal, it can run [I want to be alone].
2 replies
حسن جمال الدين2024-11-09 19:12
Very stable, and the fuel consumption in the city is not high, just over 5 liters.
4 replies
سلمان أكرم2024-11-08 08:42
It's very stable, and with the assisted driving, it's really comfortable to drive on the highway.