Touareg and Q7. Both are 2.0T, how should I choose? I'm a bit hesitant.
Comments( 8 )
فهد رأس2024-09-19 14:39
I'm also torn between the Q7 2.0 and the Touareg 3.0. Initially, I wanted to check out the Q7 diesel, but I gave up because of the 48V system. The advantage of the Q7 is the 7 seats. If both are 2.0 and the budget allows, go for the Q7. The Q7 2.0 should be in the same price range as the Touareg 3.0.
1 replies
حسين عبد له2024-09-08 06:17
When it comes to rebadged products, it all depends on which one you like. The Touareg is definitely low-key.
عمر بدر الدين2024-08-27 13:20
Choose the Q7 for 2.0, and the Touareg for 3.0.
عبدالرحمن صابر2024-08-27 06:32
V6 is better, 2.0 is slightly inferior.
حسن يونس2024-08-27 00:24
Which one is cheaper to maintain in the long run?
أحمد دليل2024-06-27 07:32
Audi Q7, an Audi, a Volkswagen.
حسن فهد2024-06-25 12:09
For business use, go for the Q7. If it's for personal enjoyment, choose the Touareg.
عبدالله صادق2024-06-22 06:53
Find a hybrid electric vehicle above 200,000 that outperforms the Touareg in every aspect.