Has anyone tested the 3.0T Touareg's fuel consumption at 80, 100, and 120 km/h on cruise control?
Comments( 7 )
محمد رومي2024-09-15 20:13
If you care about fuel consumption, don't buy a gasoline car. 😊
خالد فارس2024-09-15 20:09
If you care about fuel consumption, go for a green license plate.
محمد شفيع2024-09-13 22:45
You guys spend hundreds of thousands on a car, why care about the fuel economy? It's people like me, driving a Touareg to the factory, who should care about fuel economy!
عبد العزيز احمد2024-09-13 12:36
Cruising at 80 km/h, over 400 KM, got 6.2... from Shanxi to Shandong. No need to worry about that... For normal city driving to work, it's averaging 11.5. For such a big car, that's acceptable.
أحمد حليم2024-09-10 13:52
What's the point of being tangled up in these things?
علي نور الدين2024-09-08 10:48
No traffic jams, maintaining a constant speed of 40 km/h, an average of 8L per 100 km is achievable! Actually, referring to the average speed fuel consumption is the most accurate.
أحمد زكريا2024-09-08 10:10
80, more than seven; 100, around eight; 120, more than eight.