Is it normal to frequently hear a low-frequency buzzing sound while driving the Taycan?
Comments( 5 )
محمد فريد2024-08-04 21:48
This is the cooling fan at the front of my car. I've been studying it for a long time [I need some peace].
حسن بشير2024-06-27 15:42
That noise you only hear when driving is likely the electric motor whine.
عبد العزيز ياسين2024-06-03 06:39
Pedestrian low-speed alert sound, all electric vehicles have it.
1 replies
هكيل سعود2024-06-02 20:38
[Facepalm] Is it that there's a buzzing sound at low speeds, and it feels like an unusual kind of buzzing? It's not like all four wheels are making the noise.
2 replies
خالد مهدي2024-06-02 16:16
There's just a buzzing sound. I've driven other electric cars, and they didn't have this noise.