Q: For the Taurus 8AT transmission, is it necessary to use a circulation machine to change the transmission oil? Is it required to remove the oil pan for cleaning?
Comments( 7 )
فهد لقمان2024-09-04 18:04
You can't use a fluid exchange machine for this transmission because you can't remove the oil pan or replace the filter. Using a fluid exchange machine can cause sludge to clog the filter, leading to poor transmission oil circulation and insufficient pressure in the torque converter.
6 replies
عبد العزيز برهان2024-07-19 11:54
Don't change it, changing it might actually affect the transmission.
سلمان محمود2024-07-13 21:20
I've driven 46,000 kilometers in over three years, and I'm unsure whether to change the transmission oil. Should I do it or not?
1 replies
عمر لحود2024-06-19 22:48
Has anyone followed the manual's recommendation of not changing the transmission oil for 240,000 km and driven over 200,000 km? [I want to be quiet]
1 replies
عبدالله عماد2024-06-19 19:15
The 4S shop said to use a recycling machine for replacement.
7 replies
أحمد مجدي2024-06-19 18:42
It's not possible to remove the oil pan. You can choose between circulation or gravity. Generally, gravity is recommended, but shops might suggest using a circulation machine to make more money.
أمين عبدالله2024-06-19 17:51
I got it replaced at the 4S dealership with a circulation machine.