كم عمر
2022-11-10 12:13
I'm considering buying a 2017 Ford Taurus. I'd like to know if there's a significant difference in fuel economy between the 2.7L and 2.0L engines. Can anyone help?
Comments( 8 )

لبيب فهد2024-09-11 14:49
The Taurus glides really smoothly after acceleration, feels like it can glide for a kilometer. Maybe it's because of the car's weight.
حسن قاسم2023-06-28 17:56
Just step on the gas, who cares about fuel economy?
نايف اشرف2023-06-28 16:44
The 2.0+8AT consumes around 9 liters per 100 kilometers on national highways, about 6 liters per 100 kilometers on expressways, and hasn't been tested for city driving yet.
3 replies

بدر الدين سعود2023-06-28 14:49
2.7t, in summer, it's over 14 liters per 100 km in the city, and on the highway, it's around 7-8 liters per 100 km.
علي خليف2023-06-21 23:58
I'm looking to buy a Ford Taurus for personal use. Willing to pay above the dealer price. If anyone is interested, please contact me. I'm located in Hainan.
فهد تميمي2022-11-16 20:21
My 2.7 is more fuel-efficient than my brother's 2.0.
محمد نور الله2022-11-11 11:20
2.7, average 30 kilometers, around 10.5-11.
1 replies
حسن خالد2022-11-10 12:31
Fuel consumption difference? Even with my toes, I could guess it 😂
4 replies