Why doesn't the L3B engine get used in the CT5 and XT5? They're always keeping the good stuff hidden. How can sales be good like this?
Comments( 10 )
أحمد عبد الرحمن2024-11-27 18:28
The CT6 previously had a 3.0 version. You can check to see how much more it sold compared to the 2.0 version.
2 replies
جبريل محمد2024-11-21 21:15
The facelift of the CT5 looks ugly, and even pairing it with an 8.0 is pointless.
حسين إياس2024-10-20 22:00
Buy a Daolang, take the engine out and install it in a Cadillac. Then you have both a Daolang and a Cadillac. [I want to be alone][I want to be alone]
عابدين سعود2024-10-13 13:10
You should first weigh your own capabilities.
عبدالله حمزة2024-09-02 12:40
In real life, most people don't really care about power; it's just that online criticism is harsh. The key issue is that GM cars aren't as impressive. Simply put, without a totem, there's nothing to boast about.
فهد مرشد2024-08-31 11:33
Because no one bought it before. [I need some peace and quiet]
أحمد حمد2024-08-31 03:21
It was used before, but it was all praise and no sales.
سلمان جليل2024-08-30 01:06
Do you think Cadillac's poor sales are due to low configurations? What features do other joint ventures offer? Their sales are several times that of Cadillac. The domestic displacement tax is high, and even those who buy cars worth 300,000 RMB want to save on fuel. How many people are willing to buy large displacement cars?
قيس سلمان2024-08-29 07:13
You can't expect something good without spending money; there's no such thing as a free lunch.