Why do I feel like the fuel consumption is something an average family can't afford?
Comments( 13 )
علي صدام2023-12-07 17:25
It depends on what you define as a typical family. This car will definitely start at fifty [grin].
محمد فاتح2023-12-04 11:54
If you can easily buy this car, then there's no issue with affording to drive it. Forcing it is another matter. [I want to be alone]
عبد العزيز جمال2023-12-03 19:19
No need, no need [I just want some peace and quiet]
عماد هارون سعود2023-11-27 09:14
Can an ordinary family afford it? If they can afford it, are they still an ordinary family??
حسين حكيم2023-08-22 22:51
At this price, considering fuel economy is not necessary.. [I want to be alone]
عبد العزيز أسامة2023-08-15 13:17
If you can afford this car, you probably won't care about fuel economy.
عبدالرحمن صعدة2023-05-27 16:43
It's hard for an average family to afford it. [I need some quiet time]
حسين شادي2023-05-20 23:17
It's okay.
سعود خضير2023-05-17 14:23
Actually, the fuel consumption is okay, considering it's a V8 engine. If you're buying an 8-cylinder car, don't worry too much about fuel economy. The main concern is the price once it's introduced. I hope the Durango gets introduced soon, and as long as the price doesn't exceed 70, it's acceptable.