علي هلال
2023-02-15 17:01
Did you buy the 2023 model?
Comments( 16 )
نايف جواد2024-07-01 06:57
I bought two cars, the first one in 2019 and put a down payment on the second one yesterday, but haven't picked it up yet. In 2021, we also got a Xingyue L. Soon, we'll have three gas guzzlers at home [I want to be alone], but it's definitely better to drive than the Xingyue, though it doesn't look as good [I want to be alone].
1 replies
حسن سا مرعي2023-11-02 21:53
Buy, buy, buy!
فهد مهدي2023-11-02 08:32
Pick up the knife and chop; enjoy the benefits of 13 horsepower.
عبدالله ابراهيم2023-10-25 21:31
How much is the 2023 model now?
2 replies
سلمان فريد2023-05-31 14:59
The car model is really cool.
عمر أمين2023-05-12 23:22
Yes, just bought it, haven't registered it yet.
أحمد طاهر2023-04-19 11:28
23 model, white, 6AT, luxury version; picked up on December 11, 2022.
عبدالله زبير2023-04-11 18:23
[Grin] Haven't seen it yet.
علي سعود2023-04-04 06:22
The new model doesn't look as good as the old one in photos, but when you check it out up close at the dealership, it actually looks quite nice. It appears more rugged.
1 replies
حسين صلاح2023-03-30 18:12
Just released not long ago.