My engine malfunction light and regeneration indicator are both on, and it says that the exhaust emissions are too high. The decoder can't access the system either. What should I do about this?
Comments( 6 )
عبدالله مطلب2022-09-10 01:53
I don't even bother with that light, it's a common issue with this car. It's just that owners of this car don't like going on forums. It lights up from time to time, and I just go to the service center to get it cleared before each inspection.
سعود أم2022-07-10 15:06
Professional Maintenance for China VI Emission Standards
سعود أم2022-07-10 15:06
Sure, I can explain it to you so you can analyze it. 😊
علي عامر2022-07-09 14:32
No matter what you do, it won't get better unless you replace the engine.
حسن نوح2022-07-05 13:45
Add urea?
عبدالرحمن خديجة2021-12-25 23:39
I had the same issue, even changed the yGr valve but still didn't fix it. Tried all sorts of cleaning methods. Finally, I discovered the tank in front was cracked. The parts at the dealership were super expensive, so I ended up getting it fixed elsewhere.