نايف نور الله
2023-12-07 12:09
Has anyone bought the Night Hawk edition? Could you share some of its drawbacks?
Comments( 7 )
سعود فخرو2024-07-15 23:09
Frequent repairs, over twenty times in three years, and the engine was replaced.
عبدالله كلثوم2024-03-26 16:29
The downside is the comfort level is not high, and it cannot be equipped with a 360-degree camera.
1 replies
نايف بلال2024-03-16 00:34
I'm also considering getting the Nighthawk Automatic 4WD. How's the quality control?
خالد بشر2024-03-02 22:07
Just lacking some money.
حسين حسين2024-02-19 22:11
I took a test drive today and also placed an order.
1 replies
عبد العزيز جعفر2024-02-12 21:48
I also want to buy the Night Eagle automatic.
1 replies
علي سيف2024-01-30 23:49
I haven't found any issues.