حسن خضير
2019-07-01 21:07
What could be the reason for a 2.8T diesel engine frequently stalling?
Comments( 3 )
سعود ق2022-11-29 10:12
Could the idle speed be too low?
علي صعدة2019-07-01 21:25
Diesel engines don't have spark plugs, so if they stall easily, it's usually due to a fuel supply issue. I suggest checking the fuel pressure and using a diagnostic tool to measure the data flow.
عبد العزيز رومي2019-07-01 21:21
If the engine frequently stalls, there are two possible reasons: one is the air supply system, and the other is the fuel supply system. It's best to use a professional diagnostic computer to check if there are any abnormal data flows.