عبد العزيز أبشير
2022-11-14 10:52
Hey car enthusiasts, I got my T60 at the end of May 2017 and in less than a year, the car body has started rusting. Have any of you experienced this?
Comments( 5 )
أحمد لاويل2024-07-12 01:00
The tires on my 2019 vehicle are rusted through.
عمر وسيم2023-03-16 22:25
My one too.
حسين بندك2022-12-28 09:34
My thoughts exactly.
فهد منتصر2022-12-25 02:58
Mine too.
حسين رمضان2022-11-17 15:15
Many car door step positions are rusting.
1 replies