خالد فاروق
2024-11-29 08:13
This car is obviously a product of the last century, who exactly is buying it?
Comments( 4 )
خالد خلدون2024-12-03 23:15
When you reach the age of 35, juggling daily essentials and school runs, you'll realize that an 80,000 yuan, reliable fuel car is the right choice.
عبد العزيز سعد2024-11-30 11:29
Cheap! [Applause]
أحمد همام2024-11-30 07:35
The power is too weak. At 12 degrees Celsius in Jiangsu, I take my child to school at 6:40 in the morning, which is 4 kilometers away. It's only after I return from the school that the car's acceleration becomes normal.
1 replies
نايف هارون2024-11-30 00:52
[I'm speechless][I'm speechless][I'm speechless] My brother-in-law is about to buy this car. He's going to check it out the day after tomorrow. He's currently 55 years old.