محمد عدي
2023-08-16 13:48

Which one is better to drive: the Suzuki SX4, Honda Fit, or Mitsubishi ASX?

Comments( 9 )

نايف قنصوح
نايف قنصوح2024-05-24 16:54
The metal thickness of Tianyu and the dual A-pillar is greater than that of the Fit. The chassis is more German-style, focusing on stability, and its safety level surpasses other Japanese hatchbacks. The overall fuel consumption is around 7.6. The air conditioning is very effective. The power acceleration response is decent, and on the highway, it can stably run at 130-140 without feeling shaky. Going too fast isn't necessary; safety comes first.
نايف عبد الغفار
نايف عبد الغفار2024-04-23 12:48
The steering wheel of the Tianyu is heavy, but in other aspects, it's not inferior to the Fit.
2 replies
حسن ظافر
حسن ظافر2024-04-23 10:37
It's hard to say which is better, but I chose the Tianyu anyway.
عبد العزيز نواف
عبد العزيز نواف2024-04-21 08:07
The Suzuki Tianyu is stable at high speeds, but the engine noise is a bit loud.
1 replies
علي خير الدين
علي خير الدين2024-04-19 09:13
The Fit has a curb weight of 900kg and the strongest 1.5L engine, but I feel that the SX4 is more stable at high speeds.
1 replies
حسين إدريسي
حسين إدريسي2024-04-13 05:31
Fit, exhausting.
سعود عزيز
سعود عزيز2024-01-03 21:13
Highway or national road? City or suburb? Paved or unpaved roads?
عمر برهان
عمر برهان2023-10-01 21:10
I think it's also the Fit.
عمر رياض
عمر رياض2023-08-23 08:35