عبد العزيز ميسور
2023-04-05 14:29
Is it normal for the Suzuki SX4 1.6 to show a fuel consumption of 12.4?
Comments( 8 )
سعود إياس2024-06-05 13:33
17 or so refers to the kilometers per liter of fuel. 😁
حسن ظافر2024-03-25 11:51
If you don't drive on the highway, the average is 6.6.
محمد حارث2024-03-18 08:31
My original display showed 11, but after resetting it shows 15.9 [I just want to be quiet]
محمد حمدان2023-04-21 16:57
Abnormal, consistently below 7.
محمد عادل2023-04-12 15:37
I feel something is not right.
علي خير الدين2023-04-11 22:19
After the oil change, the display showed 16. After a highway run, it dropped to 9.9 and is currently back up to 11.2.
1 replies
فهد أم2023-04-07 09:10
Normal, both 13 and 14 are available.
فهد شفيع2023-04-06 10:51
It's better to recalculate it yourself, this isn't reliable.