عبدالرحمن فاروق
2024-01-07 10:55

Hey folks, my Suzuki SX4 has a yellow OIL light with a little wrench under it on the right side of the speedometer. What does it mean?

Comments( 4 )

خالد بندك
خالد بندك2024-06-08 23:22
It's time for maintenance, right?
حسن ظافر
حسن ظافر2024-06-05 14:25
Hold down the mileage button for five seconds until the yellow light flashes. Then press it again for two seconds to reset it. This indicates it's time for maintenance.
سعود إياس
سعود إياس2024-06-05 13:55
Every 5,000 kilometers.
عمر مهدي
عمر مهدي2024-01-08 10:07
It's time for your maintenance check.